
    From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Matrix as a Mirror of Our Screen-Centric World

    From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Matrix as a Mirror of Our Screen-Centric World by@vladimirToo Long; Didn't Read*The Matrix* portrays a dystopian future in which people’s minds are trapped in a computer-generated...

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    From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Matrix as a Mirror of Our Screen-Centric World

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    From Sci-Fi to Reality: The Matrix as a Mirror of Our Screen-Centric World by@vladimir

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    Too Long; Didn't Read

    *The Matrix* portrays a dystopian future in which people’s minds are trapped in a computer-generated simulation while their bodies are harvested for electricity to power robotic metropolises. The parallels between the survivors living in Zion and modern society are undeniable but hardly surprising. We have come to rely on the Internet for navigation, banking, communication, and more.

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